Spring Creek Canku Wakan (the Holy Road)

This page is dedicated to our relatives who have gone to the spirit world. If you would like to add a name to this page email the name of the deceased, birth and death dates, funeral service date and place, and the burial place to us along with the name of the paper and date it was published.We will not publish information sent to us without this information!

Listing of burials on file at the SD State Archives in Pierre.

Susie Swift Hawk, age 71, died at her home in Spring Creek Oct. 10, 1970. She was survived by her husband, Paul Swift Hawk; three sons, Earl, Ben and Jake; and three daughters, Winnie, Sarah and Beatrice. Her funeral was attended by her grandson, Peter Swift Hawk, who returned from Vietnam to be there. (Rosebud Sioux Herald, 19 October 1970)

medicine wheel