Sunka Tabloka Tawicoti/He Dog Community History

This information was taken from the following sources: Lakota Archives and Historical Research Center Rosebud Sioux Tribe Sites Project, Prepared with a FY 93 Historic Preservation Fund Grant from the National Park Service, 1995; Bennett-Mellette-Todd Counties, SD County Wide Directory: 15th Anniversary Issue, Larchwood, IA: County-Wide Directory L.L.C.; Map accompanying the Rosebud Indian Reservation Annual Report, 1885.

Churches: Catholic Church.

Buildings: Day School.

Families: He Dog, Little Dog, Crow Good Voice, Running Horse, Hunts Horses, White Black Bird, Brave Dog, Little Crow, Hollow Horn Bear, Good Soldier, Lost His Blanket, Dirt Eater, Lays on his Belly, Black Bird, Little Wound, Shot in the Face, Black Ring, and Charging Enemy were listed together on the 1885 map.

Issue Station: The issue station was at Wososo in the early days.

Location: He Dog Community is southwest of Parmelee in northwestern Todd County near what was originally the southern line between Farm District No. II and III.

Origins: This community was named after Chief He Dog who camped in this area.


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